Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering of Polish Academy of Science (CC&PE PAS) has been established in year 1972.


Role and working area of the CC&PE PAS are dedicated to coordination of research and teaching within a field of chemical engineering. This activity is focused on recognition and determination of development trends, cooperation with research centers and industry in Poland and abroad.


Chemical and process engineering is a scientific discipline which utilizes mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology to describe transformation of matter. Transformation processes can result in change of chemical composition but also in product formulation, so morphology as well as chemical and physical properties of this product. It investigates theoretical principles of these transformation processes and creates mathematical models for them.

Chemical engineering deals with momentum, heat and mass transfer processes, chemical reaction engineering, mixing, rheology, single and multiphase flows, separation processes, process design and optimization. Investigation tools elaborated and/or applied by chemical engineering help to formulate quantitative description of processes listed above.

Chemical engineering due to its versatility is applied to describe and modeling many others processes – among others in biotechnology, bioengineering and biomedical engineering.


Members of the Committee represent all Polish centers, where research and education in chemical engineering is carried out. They cooperate with numerous international organizations, where particular attention is payed to contacts with European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and European industry. They participate in activities of Working Parties of EFCE (WPs), particularly in Chemical Reaction Engineering, Mixing and Education WPs and contribute to committees of scientific conferences as well as Editorial Boards of prominent scientific journals.